25 April, 2010

Gallbladder Surgery

I'll condense everything to one post-


So I've had a fever since after I got home. It's been hovering right around 99.5 the past couple hours, which is up .5 from when I woke up. They said if it goes over 100.5 I probably need to go in again.

Waiting SUCKS
But I got to eat REAL food today, and I have my blanket and pillow, so it isn't so bad.

I hate hate hate sleeping on my back. My shoulder is killing me because of it, and my back is miserable. They've upped my pain meds because of it. Sad thing is that I don't even feel it anymore (the drugs), I feel normal :/ (other than the pain)

MRI to check my bile ducts, and surgery based partially around that. I have a 3cm gall stone that's obstructing junk. Something about some sort of infection, something about low levels of potassium and high liver enzymes, blah blah blah.

So I'm sure surgery will come in early and wake me up to tell me what's going on. Since my test was done so late there's no idea when anything is happening, but there's a pretty high chance that I will be going in to surgery TOMORROW (today for anyone outside of PT)

My surgery is tomorrow morning around 7:20. They said I'm the first case, so the chances of getting bumped are pretty low. They're going to go in Laproscopically first and convert to open if they have to.

Going in to surgery

24 April, 2010

8+ hours in the ER

I've been home around 7 hours now.

I was in some of the worst pain I'd ever felt last night, and just couldn't sleep for the life of me. Kept vomiting & vomiting, so DB finally demanded that I let him take me to the hospital.

Tons of tests later, they ran a CT scan, which didn't really show much. Then a dr came in right before they were going to discharge me with bad heartburn, and felt my stomach- and sent me off to get an ultrasound. I have huge gallstones, and they're probably going to take my gallbladder out.

The one good thing about this is they approved me for charity through the hospital, so if I do have to have the procedure it will be covered.

I've been sleeping for pretty much the last 18 hours.